Awakening greater potential in work, love & life
Presence Academy offers experiential learning, video training courses & transformative coaching specially designed to help you rewire, develop & awaken your greater human potential in the engagement of work, love & life. Utilizing the best practices, combining essential wisdom principles with the latest developmental psychology & science, Presence Academy is like virtual jedi training center for digital age.
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Combining the best of healing, development & practical spirituality

Whether you want greater purpose, productivity & potency at work, more love, connection & intimacy in your romantic love relationship, healing, empowerment & freedom of expression through your body & life, or deepening the awakening process with a practical embodied spiritual openness, Presence is the doorway to awakening your greatness in work, love & life.

founder, coach, instructor
After being completely floor-ridden for 22 hours a day and completely healing from severe injury, he is respects authority on human embodiment, connection & professional performance Johnny Blackburn is developmental coach, author, speaker & event facilitator specializing in help people awaken greater potential & live for deeper presence & connection in work, love & life. Blackburn’s original back ground in Management Consulting, Master’s degree in Psychology, more than 3000 client-coaching hours has Professionally Certified Coach with International Coach Federation & hundreds hours facilitat group & live experiential events combine provide integrated approach embodied transformational experiences and skill-building for practical work, love & life applications.
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Leadership Trainer

International Distribution Manager, Mother

Wellness Podcaster

Financial Investor, Speaker

Physical Therapist, Speaker, Advocate, Mother

Franchiser, Musician, Father

Tech CEO, Author, Speaker
Assessments & Quizzes

Integral Development Assessment
Are you living your greatest potential in work, love & life? This 32 question comprehensive assessment measures adult human development in 8 essential categories: body, bonding, emotional, mental, moral, sexual, social & sexual. Discover your developmental strengths & areas to continue growing.

Sexual Polarity Quiz
Is your gender essence Masculine or Feminine? The polarity of Masculine & Feminine energies is what creates the spark of sexual attraction. How does this impact your essential drive & orientation to the world? And how does polarity in create attraction in your romantic relationship? Take the quiz & find out.

Productivity & Potency Quiz
How potent & productive are you in work & life? This quiz assess some of the most important elements of your engagement & effectiveness, this 16 question survey gauges your ability to focus, prioritize, organize, set boundaries, utilize systems, access flow & maintain work-life balance.

Love Languages Quiz
Is your gender essence Masculine or Feminine? The polarity of Masculine & Feminine energies is what creates the spark of sexual attraction. How does this impact your essential drive & orientation to the world? And how does polarity in create attraction in your romantic relationship? Take the quiz & find out.
Blog Articles
the latest clarity in…

VANTAGE: the most important map in Spirituality
VANTAGE: the most important map in Spirituality Physical: physical body, dense matter, skin & bones […]
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COMMITMENT & ACCOUNTABILITY: are you over-committed & unreliable?
COMMITMENT & ACCOUNTABILITY: are you over-committed & unreliable? Productivity isn’t just measured by busyness or […]
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PORGES’ Poly-Vagal Theory: relaxing our face, chest & belly indicate safety, emotional vulnerability & connection
PORGES POLY-VAGAL THEORY: why relaxing our face, chest & belly relaxing our face, chest & […]
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ATTACHMENT: how our infancy relates to the ways we connect with our romantic partner
ATTACHMENT: how our infancy relates to the ways we connect with our romantic partner […]
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